I have always loved words, not just the words themselves but the artistic nature of them. One of my favourite games when I was little was creating words to look the way they sounded. Words such as: THIN, FAT, LONG were delightful to work with. So it's hardly surprising I ended up being a book artist who writes.
My dream to produce a beautiful published book (that looks handmade) has been achieved. My first book, One Small Drop, was published in March 2015 with my creative sister Jo. As a challenge for my 50th birthday in 2015, I decided to be one of 7,000 exhibitors at the Frankfurt BookFair.
If you want to know how that happened, pop over to my blog for the full story (grab a cuppa as it is quite a story). The outcome was so exciting! Austrian publishing house Freya Verlag inviting me to write a book on how to create notebooks. So I did and it was translated into German. It is beyond exciting to work on a project such as this.
AND NOW ... the book is available in English! You can see it here: DIY Notebooks Made Easy.